Table 1. Detailed explanation of each test in the Inbrain CST.
Cognitive domain | Test | Description | Variables (maximum score) |
Attention | VST | Nine squares are scattered on a screen. Certain squares turn blue briefly in variable sequence, and the participant should tap the squares that changed color in the same order (forward task) or in reverse order (backward task). The number of squares turning blue increases from two to eight, and two performance chances are given for each trial. One point is given for correctly tapping the order. Possible range of scores for both tasks is 1 to 14. The test stops when the participant fails twice in a trial. | VST: forward (14), VST: backward (14) |
Language | DNT | Confrontational naming test with 15 line-drawn items that are relatively difficult to name because of their low usage frequency. | Number of correct responses |
Semantic & phonemic word fluency test | In the semantic generative naming trial, a participant should list as many fruits as possible in one minute. | Number of correct words for each trial | |
In the phonemic generative naming trial, a participant should list as many words as possible beginning with a certain Korean alphabet for one minute. | |||
Visuospatial function | Block Design Test | A pattern is presented on the screen using six types of squares that are all blue or all white or a combination. A participant should reproduce the same pattern by dragging one of the six squares. A total of 10 patterns are shown sequentially, and the difficulty of the pattern depends on the number of squares to be used and the time limitation. The scores for the items differ based on difficulty. | Total score (40) |
Memory | Time orientation | A participant states the current year, month, date, day of the week, and season. | Total score (5) |
WPAT | Nine words are presented one by one in a 3 × 3 grid in a particular sequence over 3 trials. A participant should memorize the words and their location in the grid. After each trial, the participants recall the words both immediately and after a 10-minute delay. Then a recognition task asks the participants to recognize both the words and their location. | Correct number of responses for immediate recall (27), delayed recall (9), word recognition (18), place recognition (9) | |
Executive function | K-TMT-E | Part A: a participant connects numbers from 1 to 15 in ascending order as quickly as possible, using a digital pen. | Part A time to complete, Part B time to complete |
Part B: a participant connects the numbers and the day of the week alternatively in order as quickly as possible using a digital pen. |
CST = Cognitive Screening Test, VST = Visual Span Test, DNT = Difficult Naming Test, WPAT = Word Place Association Test, K-TMT-E = Korean-Trail Making Test-Elderly version.