Fig. 5. Muscle synergy merging patterns associated with decreased running efficiency.
a We identified two merging patterns of muscle synergies for which the adults having any of them had decreased running efficiency than those without it. To illustrate these patterns, for each combination we show the adult synergies being explained by merging (dark purple) and their reconstructions by merging their respective S0- combinations (light purple), averaged across all merging instances belonging to that combination. In both, the reconstructed vectors matched the original vectors very well (SP ≥ 0.90). Arrows denote patterns of merging (orange, S0-4 + 5 + 7, n = 16; light purple, 3 + 12, n = 9). b For the merging combinations in a, the subjects with (Wi) the merging pattern (n = 9, 13, 6, for S0-3 + 12, 4 + 5 + 7, and 4 + 5 + 7 in Exp & Elite, respectively) had lower average running efficiency than those without (Wo) (n = 81, 77, 24) (mean ± SE; *p = 0.042; NS, p = 0.24; +p = 0.016; 2-tailed Mann–Whitney). c The frequency of occurrence (% subjects) across all subject groups for the merging combinations shown in a. Specifically, combination S0-3 + 12 was more prevalent in the less experienced groups (Sedent0/2) than the more experienced groups (Novice0/3/6, Exp, Elite) ((*), r over adults = −0.72, p = 0.066, 2-tailed t-test). Combination S0-4 + 5 + 7 was specifically more prevalent only in Exp. Source data for all panels are available as a Source Data file.