Design and construction of ZIKV reporter systems. (A) Schematic representation of ZIKV reporter system carrying the luciferase gene flanked by FMDV 2A sequences. The predicted RNA structures in the 3′ UTR, including stem loops I and II (SLI and SLII), pseudodumbbell ΨDB, dumbbell DB, and a small hairpin 3′ stem-loop (sHP-3′ SL), are indicated. (B) Reporter ZIKVs efficiently translate and replicate in mosquito and human cells. Luciferase expression levels of ZIKVAr-R and ZIKVSen-R are shown as a function of the time. Luciferase activity was measured in transfected cells with viral RNAs corresponding to WT and replication-impaired NS5 M. The luciferase values are means ± standard deviations (representative experiment of three independent experiments). hpt, hours posttransfection.