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. 2020 Aug 13;17(16):5874. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17165874

Table 8.

Demographic/household factors associated with any and exclusive LPG use in peri-urban households (univariable analysis).

Exclusive Use of LPG
(n = 470; 15.2%)
Any Use of LPG
(n = 1883; 56.3%)
No % OR 95% CI p-Value * No % OR 95% CI p-Value *
Sex (household head)
Male 248 17.2 1 1148 79.5 1
Female 222 13.4 0.75 0.61, 0.91 0.004 1208 73.0 0.70 0.59, 0.82 <0.0005
Age (household head)
13–35 362 22.3 1 1313 80.9 1
36–60 100 7.9 0.30 0.24, 0.38 <0.0005 924 73.2 0.64 0.54, 0.77 <0.0005
61+ 8 3.8 0.14 0.07, 0.28 <0.0005 119 56.1 0.30 0.22, 0.41 <0.0005
Education (household head)
None 2 2.1 1 36 37.1 1
Primary 92 8.9 4.65 1.13, 19.17 0.034 629 61.0 2.64 1.72, 4.07 <0.0005
Secondary 249 17.7 10.21 2.50, 41.71 0.001 1170 83.2 8.36 5.41, 12.92 <0.0005
University 127 22.6 13.84 3.36, 56.92 <0.0005 521 92.5 21.01 12.52, 35.23 <0.0005
Marital status (household head)
Married/partner 212 11.6 1 1401 77.7 1
258 19.9 1.87 1.53, 2.28 <0.0005 955 73.8 0.81 0.68, 0.95 0.012
People resident
1–3 people 335 32.5 1 789 76.5 1
4–6 people 112 7.7 0.17 0.14, 0.22 <0.0005 1122 76.6 1.01 0.83, 1.21 0.948
7+ people 23 3.8 0.08 0.05, 0.13 <0.0005 445 73.8 0.86 0.69, 1.09 0.216
People per room
0–1.5 278 21.9 1 998 78.6 1
1.6–2 122 15.4 0.65 0.51, 0.82 <0.0005 624 78.6 1.00 0.81, 1.24 0.997
2.1–14 70 6.8 0.26 0.20, 0.34 <0.0005 734 70.9 0.66 0.55, 0.80 <0.0005
Household ownership
Owner/joint owner 60 8.1 1 546 73.3 1
Not a house owner 410 17.4 2.41 1.81, 3.20 <0.0005 1810 76.9 1.21 1.00, 1.46 0.045
Income (CFA)
<50 k 155 15.0 1 666 64.4 1
51–100 k 141 15.7 1.06 0.82, 1.35 0.666 711 79.1 2.10 1.71, 2.57 <0.0005
101–200 k 73 17.5 1.20 0.89, 1.63 0.231 371 89.0 4.47 3.21, 6.23 <0.0005
201–300 k 26 22.4 1.64 1.03, 2.62 0.038 110 94.8 10.16 4.42, 23.33 <0.0005
301 K+ 12 18.2 1.26 0.66, 2.41 0.482 64 97.0 17.73 4.32, 72.85 <0.0005
Method of payment
Cash only 397 18.0 1 1795 81.3 1
Not cash only 58 8.0 0.40 0.30, 0.53 <0.0005 448 61.8 0.37 0.31, 0.45 <0.0005
Access to transport
Car 159 16.2 1.13 0.91, 1.39 0.262 837 85.5 2.34 1.91, 2.86 <0.0005
Truck 42 18.3 1.27 0.90, 1.81 0.178 174 75.7 0.98 0.72, 1.34 0.901
Motorbike 92 16.4 1.11 0.87, 1.43 0.398 425 75.8 0.99 0.80, 1.22 0.895
Flush WC 224 17.4 1.35 1.10, 1.64 0.003 1172 91.2 5.52 4.45, 6.85 <0.0005
Piped water 214 16.5 1.20 0.98, 1.46 0.077 1145 88.4 3.71 3.05, 4.51 <0.0005
Owned 8 2.55 0.13 0.06, 0.27 <0.0005 222 70.7 0.74 0.57, 0.95 0.020
Cooking location
Inside house 282 23.0 1 1104 90.2 1
Separate building 161 16.8 0.67 0.54, 0.83 <0.0005 729 75.9 0.34 0.27, 0.44 <0.0005
Outside 27 3.0 0.10 0.07, 0.15 <0.0005 523 57.8 0.15 0.12, 0.19 <0.0005

* p-values in bold have significance at the Bonferroni corrected level of 0.002.