Figure 3.
Facilitated display highlighting the left internal iliac artery branches with the left aberrant obturator artery for Case 2. LAOA = Left Aberrant Obturator Artery; LCIA = Left Common Iliac Artery; LDIEA = Left Deep Inferior Epigastric Artery; LEIA = Left External Iliac Artery; LIGA = Left Inferior Gluteal Artery; LIIA = Left Internal Iliac Artery; LIPA = Left Internal Pudendal Artery; LIVA = Left Inferior Vesical Artery; LON = Left Obturator Nerve; LSGA = Left Superior Gluteal Artery; LSVA = Left Superior Vesical Artery; LUA = Left Umbilical Artery. The Left Iliolumbar Artery (LILA), Left Superior Lateral Sacral Artery (LSLSA), Left Inferior Lateral Sacral Artery (LILSA), and the Left Middle Rectal Artery (LMRA) are not pictured.