Table A1.
Ownership and Type of Management a | Description and Main Characteristics | |
1. Public Ownership | Without Legal Personality | —Public hospital without legal personality. —Constitutes the major part of the hospital offer of the Spanish National Health System (SNHS). —They are strongly integrated in the Health Services of each region. —Their personnel regime is statutory/official in all cases. |
With Legal Personality | —Public hospital with legal personality. —Contracting according to public or private law, according to the form of management admitted by the Spanish legal system (Consortium, Public Company, Public Health Foundation) adopted by the hospital. —Labour or statutory staff, established case by case. |
2. Private Ownership | Private non-profit hospital | —Non-profit private hospital with approval |
Private for profit Hospital | —For profit private hospital with approval | |
3. Public Private Partnership | Health Administrative Concession (Alzira Model) | —Administrative concession for the construction and management of the building and the provision of health and non-sanitary services for a defined population. —The insurance premium per assigned person includes the payment of the initial investment for the construction of hospitals and health centres, and the provision and renovation of all types of furniture and technological equipment. —The transfer of risks from the public to the private sector is required. |
Private Finance Initiative | —Public law entity with a public works concession for the construction and management of the health building and the provision of non-health services. —Transfer of risks from the public to the private sector is required. |
a More information on the Spanish National Health System’s forms of hospital management is available at: Martín, J.J., López del Amo González, M.P., Cabasés Hita, J.M.: La empresa pública en la sanidad. Prestación de sanidad pública por hospitales y ambulatorios privados. Presupuesto y Gasto Público 83, 81–104 (2016). Source: Prepared by the authors.