Figure 6.
An acute metabolic alkalosis increases plasma secretin. CFTR KO mice are unable to increase their urine HCO3− excretion after an acute oral challenge. (A) Original image illustrating the oral fluid loading procedure. (B) Plasma [HCO3−] in mice loaded with either a control or a HCO3−-containing gastric gavage after 30 minutes. Note the significant elevation of plasma [HCO3−] ([HCO3−]p) in the base loaded mice, t test (n=8–9). (C) Plasma secretin concentration in mice loaded with either a control or a HCO3−-containing gastric gavage. Note the significant elevation in the plasma concentration of secretin ([secretin]p) in the base loaded mice, t test (n=8–9). (D–F) pHu, [HCO3−], and total HCO3− excretion in urine collected over a 3-hour period from awake mice subjected either to a control gavage or a gavage containing 2.24 mmol NaHCO3/kg body wt. Note the absent HCO3− excretion in CFTR KO mice. One-way ANOVA (n=6–9). *P<0.05, ***P<0.001.