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. 2020 Aug 13;21(16):5819. doi: 10.3390/ijms21165819

Table 3.

Summary of the main molecular, cellular and behavioral alterations reported after peripubertal stress exposure in rodents.

Stressor Stress Protocol Molecular/Cellular Behavior References
Assessment Age Assessment Age
Post-weaning social isolation stress model (PWSI) Individual cages from P21 to P82 ↓ BDNF expression (amygdala) P82 pathological aggression,
↓ social communication
P82 [9,94]
Individual cages from P28 to P109 ↑ BLA pyramidal cell excitability P101–P115 ↑ anxiety P101–P115 [95]
Individual cages from P21 to P90 ↑ GAD67 protein (CeM, MeA, BLA) P90 [96]
Individual cages from P21 to P90 ↑ BLA, BMA, Ce volume
↑ number of PV+ interneurons (BLA, BMA)
↓ PSA-NCAM protein (amygdala)
↑ mRNA CB1-R (amygdala)
P90 ↑ anxiety P90 [97]
Unpredictable stress fear-inducing stressors: open field, fox-odor, elevated platform (P28–P30, P34, P36, P40, P42) ↑ mRNA NR1 (amygdala)
↓ mRNA GAD67 (amygdala)
↑ mRNA encoding GR and ↓ number of GR + cells (CeA)
↓ GAD and GABA-A receptor α3 (LA, BLA, BMA, MeA, CeA)
P90 ↓ sociability,
↑ anxiety,
↑ novelty reactivity, pathological aggression
P90 [83,98,99,100,101]
Repeated restraint stress 20 min/day from P29 to P37 ↓ GABAergic inhibition of LA projection neurons
↓ presynaptic GABA function and interneuron activity (LA)
P39 ↑ anxiety P38 [102]
2 h/day restraint session + 40 tail shocks /day (from P22 to P24) ↓ serotoninergic modulation of GABAergic transmission (BLA), amygdala hyperexcitability P24–P25 [103]

Symbols and abbreviations: ↑ (increase), ↓ (decrease), P (postnatal day), BLA (basolateral nuclei of the amygdala), BMA (basomedial nucleus of the amygdala), LA (lateral nuclei of the amygdala), MeA (medial nucleus of the amygdala), CeA (central nucleus of the amygdala), CB1-R (cannabinoid receptor 1), Bdnf (brain derived neurotrophic factor, gene), BDNF (brain derived neurotrophic factor, protein), GAD (glutamic acid decarboxylase), GABA (gamma-amino butyric acid), GABA-A (GABA type A receptor), NR1 (subunit 1 of the N-methyl-D-aspartate-receptor), GR (glucocorticoid receptor), VGLUT (vesicular glutamate transporter), VGAT (vesicular GABA transporter).