PMML labeling system to generate ISCs clones in the midgut. (a) A schematic diagram showing how to generate a functional actin5C-gal4 gene by using the FLP-mediated FRT recombination technique. A functional actin5C-gal4 gene is reconstituted by heat shock-induced FLP-mediated recombination between inactive but complimentary alleles, actin5C FRT and FRT gal4. The daughter cell that inherits the actin5C-gal4 gene expresses UAS-GFP or any other Iransgene constructs. (b) Gut with GFP-marked wild-type PMML clones. Anti-GFP (green), anti-Arm (red-diploid cell nest), anti-Pros (red-nuclei of ee cells), and Dapi (blue). (c) Gut with GFP-marked UAS-NCA PMML clones. GFP (green), Arm (red-diploid cell nest), anti-Pros (red-nuclei of ee cells), and Dapi (blue). (d) Gut with GFP-marked UAS-NDN PMML clones. Anti-GFP (green), anti-Arm (red-diploid cell nest), anti-Pros (red-nuclei of ee cells), and Dapi (blue). (a) The figure is adapted with permission from Kirilly et al. (58). Scale bars: 10 μm.