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. 2020 Aug 18;11:882. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2020.00882

Table 3.

Dual-task interference on locomotor and cognitive performances according to the nature of the tasks in stroke survivors.

References Locomotor Task DTI on locomotor performance Cognitive Task DTI on cognitive performance
Al-Yahya et al. (25) Treadmill Stride length:
Serial subtraction (-7) Counting rate:
Accuracy: NS
Feld et al. (40) Overground Walking speed: Auditory Stroop Test Accuracy:
Reaction time: NS
Goh et al. (35) Overground at comfortable and maximum walking speed Comfortable walking speed:
Maximum walking speed:
Serial subtraction (-3) Accuracy: NS (for both speed)
Hyndman et al. (28) Overground Walking time:
Walking speed:
Stride length:
Auditory mental task (shopping list) Number of items correctly recalled items:
Patel and Bhatt (31) Overground Walking speed: Visuomotor reaction time
Serial subtraction (-2)
Visual Stroop Test
Visuomotor reaction time
     Reaction time:
Serial subtraction (-2) & Visual Stroop Test
     Number of correct responses:
Regnaux et al. (33) Treadmill Stride time: NS
Time of task: NS
Reaction time after an electrical stimulation Reaction time:
Tisserand et al. (34) Overground Walking speed: NS
Margin of stability width: NS
Base of support width: NS
Counting forward and backward
Semantic and phonemic verbal fluencies
Yang et al. (36) Overground Walking time: Serial subtraction (-3)
Serial subtraction (-7)
Accuracy: NS
Chan and Tsang (26) Back and forth (180°) Turning time: NS
Number of steps to turn: NS
Walking time: NS
Auditory Stroop Test Reaction time: NS
Denneman et al. (42) Timed-Up-and Go Walking time: Auditory Stroop Test Composite score:
Dennis et al. (27) Oval walkway at preferred and maximum speed Serial subtraction (-3)
     Preferred walking speed:
     Fast walking speed:
Clock Face Test
     Preferred walking speed: NS
     Fast walking speed: NS
Serial subtraction (-3)
Clock face test
Serial subtraction (-3)
     Accuracy: NS (for both speed)
Clock Face Test
     Preferred walking speed

     Accuracy: NS
Fast walking speed
Kemper et al. (29) Oval walkway Cadence: NS
Time on task:
Spontaneous speech Fluency:
Grammatical complexity:
Semantic content:
Manaf et al. (30) Timed-Up-and Go Walking time:
Walking speed:
Stride time:
Stride length: NS
Coefficient of variability of walking speed: NS
Coefficient of variability of stride length: NS
Coefficient of variability of stride time: NS
Serial subtraction (-3)
(with prioritization)
Number of repeated trials:
Number of correct responses:
Plummer-D'Amato et al. (41) Oval walkway Auditory 1-back; Clock Face Test; Spontaneous speech
     Walking speed:
     Stride length:
     Stride time variability: NS
Clock Face Test; Spontaneous speech
     Stride time:
Auditory 1-back
     Stride time: NS
Auditory 1-back
Clock face test
Spontaneous speech
Auditory 1-back; Clock Face Test
     Reaction time: NS
     Accuracy: NS
Spontaneous speech
     Significant decline in words/narrative:
     Significant decline in pauses/utterance:
     Proportion of utterance with new information:
     Sentence length: NS
     Fillers/utterance: NS
     Sentence complexity: NS
     Proportion of grammatical sentence: NS
Pohl et al. (32) Oval walkway Cadence: Spontaneous speech Grammatical complexity:
Semantic content:
Speech rate: NS
Fluency: NS
Aravind and Lamontagne (39) Avoidance moving obstacle walking Minimum absolute distance:
Without visuospatial neglect:
With visuospatial neglect:
Delay of onset of avoidance strategy:
Without visuospatial neglect: NS
With visuospatial neglect:
Walking speed:
With visuospatial neglect:
Rate of collision:
Without visuospatial neglect: NS
With visuospatial neglect:
Auditory Stroop Test:
Word “cat” presented in high or low pitch (Cog-CAT)
Words “high” or “low” presented in a high or low pitch (Cog-HL)
Cog-CAT accuracy:
With and without visuospatial neglect:
Cog-HL accuracy:
With and without visuospatial neglect:
Yang et al. (36) Crossing obstacle walking Walking time: Serial subtraction (-3)
Serial subtraction (-7)
Serial subtraction (-3) Accuracy:
Serial subtraction (-7) Accuracy: NS
Timmermans et al. (20) Challenging-physical walking task
(three stepping walk, 2-m tandem-walking, 3 crossing-obstacles)
Challenging-projected walking task
(projected obstacles)
Walking speed:
Walking adaptability performance score:
Serial subtraction (-3) Accuracy:

NS, non-significant. ↑, increase; ↓, decrease in outcome measure.