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. 2020 Aug 18;11:1973. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01973


Reliabilities, descriptive, and correlation statistics for the variables (n = 236).

Variables ρ Range M SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1. Authentic leadership 0.95 1–5 3.47 0.78 1.00
2. Vigor 0.80 1–6 4.16 1.28 0.48* 1.00
3. Dedication 0.87 1–6 4.73 1.28 0.48* 0.98** 1.00
4. Absorption 0.79 1–6 4.41 1.21 0.45* 0.92** 0.92** 1.00
5. Work engagement 0.92 1–6 4.43 1.13 0.49* 0.99** 0.99** 0.93** 1.00
6. Role clarity 0.88 1–5 4.54 0.65 0.15 0.37* 0.37* 0.35* 0.37* 1.00
7. Meaning 0.91 1–7 5.78 1.15 0.25 0.40* 0.40* 0.38* 0.41* 0.34* 1.00
8. Competence 0.89 1–7 5.93 0.89 0.27 0.44* 0.44* 0.41* 0.44* 0.37* 0.48* 1.00
9. Self-Determination 0.82 1–7 5.44 1.11 0.32* 0.53** 0.53** 0.50** 0.53** 0.44* 0.58** 0.63** 1.00
10. Impact 0.86 1–7 4.99 1.30 0.31* 0.51** 0.51** 0.48* 0.52** 0.43* 0.56** 0.61** 0.73** 1.00
11. Psychological empowerment 0.92 1–7 5.54 1.11 0.37* 0.61** 0.61** 0.57** 0.61** 0.51** 0.66** 0.72** 0.87** 0.84**

ρ = composite reliability coefficient; M = mean; SD = standard deviation; All correlations statistically significant p < 0.05; * = Medium effect; ** = Large effect.