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. 2020 Aug 6;7(9):ofaa316. doi: 10.1093/ofid/ofaa316

Table 2.

Association of Demographics, HIV Risk Factors, Baseline Laboratory Results, and Companion ARV With Virological Failure Incidence per 100 Person-Years

Variable No. of PWH Person-Years No. of VF No. of VF/100 Person-Years Unadjusted HRa (95% CI) Adjusted HRb,c (95% CI)
 10-y decrement 1.13 (1.12–1.15) 1.26 (1.24–1.28)
 M 2103 7030 188 2.67 Ref
 F 212 691 26 3.76 1.40 (0.93–2.11) 1.18 (0.697–2.01)
 Caucasian 960 3358 71 2.11 Ref
 Non-Caucasian 1274 4150 136 3.28 1.53 (1.15–2.03) 1.33 (0.97–1.84)
HIV acquisition risk
 MSM 1398 4774 118 2.47 Ref
 Non-MSM 830 2664 82 3.08 1.23 (0.93–1.63) 1.12 (0.79–1.57)
CD4 count, cells/μL
500 668 2095 31 1.48 Ref
 300–500 755 2686 63 2.35 1.64 (1.06–2.52) 1.35 (0.85–2.14)
 <300 838 2789 114 4.09 2.81 (1.89–4.19) 2.08 (1.32–3.27)
VL, log copies/mL
 <4.0 501 1834 24 1.31 Ref
 4.0–5.0 1086 3725 101 2.71 2.05 (1.31–3.20) 2.10 (1.28–3.44)
5.0 682 2041 83 4.07 2.98 (1.89–4.70) 2.95 (1.74–5.0)
 No 1995 6734 186 2.76 Ref
 Yes 320 987 28 2.84 0.99 (0.67–1.49) 0.97 (0.60–1.55)
Companion drug
 Efavirenz 588 2570 69 2.68 Ref
 Elvitegravir/c 580 1603 35 2.18 0.72 (0.47–1.07) 0.65 (0.41–1.03)
 Dolutegravir 355 756 22 2.91 0.87 (0.53–1.41) 0.90 (0.54–1.52)
 b-darunavir 213 739 28 3.79 1.33 (0.85–2.06) 1.06 (0.65–1.71)
 Rilpivirine 222 836 17 2.03 0.72 (0.43–1.23) 0.95 (0.53–1.69)
 Raltegravir 202 774 16 2.07 0.75 (0.44–1.29) 0.87 (0.49–1.54)
 b-atazanavir 66 176 15 8.52 2.83 (1.61–4.96) 2.37 (1.26–4.47)
 Lopinavir/r 15 31 3 9.68 3.23 (1.01–10.3) 3.08 (0.72–13.3)
 Nevirapine 13 34 2 5.88 2.02 (0.50–8.26) 3.02 (0.73–12.5)
 Etravirine 6 28 2 7.14 2.68 (0.66–10.9) 1.43 (0.20–10.4)

Variables associated with a significantly increased or decreased risk of virological failure per 100 person-years are indicated in boldface type.

Abbreviations: HR, hazard ratio; MSM, men who have sex with men; PWH, people with HIV; TDR, transmitted drug resistance; VL, virus load (plasma HIV-1 RNA log copies/mL).

aUnadjusted HRs derived from univariate Cox regression analysis.

bAdjusted HRs derived from multivariable Cox regression.

cFor the variables age, gender, TDR, and companion drug, there were no missing values. For the remaining 4 variables, baseline CD4 cell counts, baseline virus load, race/ethnicity, and HIV acquisition risk factor, the missing values varied between 1.5% and 4.1%. Thus, the multivariable Cox regression model was based on 89.5% (n = 2072) of the cohort.