A) Chemogenomic profiles of the diploid yeast heterozygous deletion collection challenged with oltipraz as expressed as a log
2-scaled fitness defect (FD;
Lee et al., 2014). Fitness or growth defects associated with haplo-insufficiency profiling (HIP) are represented on the y-axis, and the x-axis represents statistically significant hits (p<0.05). Note the enrichment of hits directly associated with heme biosynthesis (red dots). These data are adapted from the following searchable database (
http://chemogenomics.pharmacy.ubc.ca/HIPHOP/). (
B) Chemogenomic profiles of the diploid yeast homozygous deletion collection challenged with oltipraz (
Lee et al., 2014). The
sfh5Δ homozygote is identified. Significant hits related to deficiencies in redox enzymes and Golgi trafficking components of the COG complex are also highlighted in red.