Structure of the HRV-C15 3C-rupintrivir complex. A Overall structure of the 3C-rupintrivir complex. 3C protease is colored and labeled as Fig. 1. The rupintrivir is shown as sticks. The covalent bond formed between the inhibitor and the protease is highlighted with an arrow. The inset corresponds to zoomed-in view of boxed region and illustrates the features of the inhibitor. B Line representation of the superimposition of the 3C protease in free and inhibitor-bound forms colored in cyan and blue, respectively. C Cartoon representation of the superimposition of the 3C proteases of HRV-2, HRV-C15, EV71 and CVA16, colored orange, blue, red and green, respectively. Insets correspond to zoomed-in views of boxed regions and illustrate the structural differences with secondary elements labeled.