Fig. 2.
The cVLPs induced chBMDC maturation. A Observation of naïve (PBS control) and mature (LPS) chBMDC. The naïve DCs exhibited an irregular round shape with short tentacles and mature DCs exhibited a typical stellate-like shape with long dendritic tentacles. B Maturation markers (CD11c and MHC-II) on the surface of naïve (red) and mature (blue) chBMDCs, indicated by cell counts of fluorescence positive population. C The ΔMFI value of FITC-Dextran treated chBMDCs incubated with LPS, H9/F-cVLPs, H9/F-DCpep-cVLPs and PBS were detected through flow cytometry and calculated. D The MHC-II level of differently stimulated chBMDCs was analyzed through flow cytometry. P value less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant (*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, and ***P < 0.001) and a P value greater than 0.05 means no significant difference (ns). All results are representative of at least five repeated experiments. Error bars indicate standard deviation (SD).