Figure 2.
Relationship between retained inner retinal layers at the fovea and FAZ morphometry in patients with ACHM. (A) As shown in the box-and-whiskers plot (dashed line: median; box limits: 25th–75th percentiles; whiskers: minimum and maximum), there was a significant difference in FAZ area between patients with different numbers of retained inner retinal layers (one-way ANOVA, P = 0.01). Further analysis showed the only significant difference between groups occurred between patients with no retained inner retinal layers (0) and those with all four layers retained (Tukey's multiple comparison test, P = 0.009). (B) There was a significant negative relationship between the inner retinal layer thickness and FAZ area (Deming regression, y = –0.00777x + 0.524, P = 0.004). The 95% confidence intervals (dashed lines) were calculated using the jackknife method. (C) This subject has normal inner retinal layer appearance at the fovea (zero layers retained). Inner retinal thickness = 7.17 µm, FAZ area = 0.384 mm2, circularity index = 0.524, and roundness = 0.731. (D) This subject has two layers retained (GCL and IPL). Inner retinal thickness = 16.73 µm, FAZ area = 0.220 mm2, circularity index = 0.560, and roundness = 0.786. (E) This subject has four layers retained (GCL, IPL, INL, and OPL). Inner retinal thickness = 62.74 µm, FAZ area = 0.155 mm2, circularity index = 0.383, and roundness = 0.597. Note that this subject has a disrupted ellipsoid zone (aka, a hyporeflective zone) at the fovea, which is commonly seen in patients with ACHM. Scale bars: 100 µm.