Figure 2.
Detection of TSWV in sections of self-grafted (G) and non-grafted (WT) N. benthamiana plants at 5, 8, and 13 dpi with TSWV-CiPz. (A). Cross sections were prepared from apex, inoculated leaf, above and below graft junction, and from main and lateral roots. Virus was detected by using an antiserum against the NSs protein. (B). Detection of TSWV-CiPz RNA in UC, Ma, UC/UC, Ma/Ma, and UC/Ma at 19 dpi. Viral RNA was detected by tissue print hybridization with a DIG-labelled RNA probe for TSWV M RNA. Cross sections were prepared from apex, stem junction of the inoculated leaf, above, at and below the graft junction and from principal root. M = mock-inoculated UC plant.