Activation of transcriptional factors by HOCl stress (green area). *HypT is the only regulator known to be specifically activated by HOCl. Its activation induces the expression of genes involved in cysteine, methionine, and sulfur biosynthesis, and downregulates genes involved in iron acquisition and homeostasis. NemR, a regulator responsive to HOCl, RES, and methylglyoxal, upregulates genes involved in glyoxylase and N-ethylmaleimide synthesis. RclR is activated by HOCl and N-chlorotaurine and expresses a flavoprotein disulfide reductase, an uncharacterized periplasmic protein, and transmembrane quinone-binding protein. The gray area shows the genes regulated by OxyR and SoxR, the most studied ROS-sensors. HOCl: hypochlorous acid; H2O2: hydrogen peroxide.