Detection of HPyV6, HPyV7, and MCPyV on the translational level in FFPE of CCA and non-neoplastic hepatocytes. (a) Representative examples of IHC using 2t10 antibodies showed the specific nuclear expression in the nucleus (brown) of both CCA and liver parenchyma. CCA2 tissue is an example of negative HPyV7. (b) In a representative IHC for CCA15 tissue, 1t1 antibodies show positivity in both CCA and hepatocytes, while no protein expression was seen in CCA3. (c) Example of results of IHC for MCPyV, specific nuclear expression (brown) of MCPyV (CM2B4 antibody) in the nuclei of CCA epithelial, and the non-neoplastic hepatocytes. MKL1 cell line served as a positive for MCPyV antibodies. The images were taken at 200x magnification, a black square area was magnified 6x in the top right corner of each figure.