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. 2020 Jul 24;9(8):1769. doi: 10.3390/cells9081769

Table 1.

List of parameters in reaction–diffusion equations, their reference value in the simulations, and their physical meaning in the model. Unless indicated, the values were estimated or adjusted to match experimental observations as mentioned in the main text.

Variable Reference Value Description
DT 0.02 μm2/s Diffusion coefficient of Cdc42-GTP from [33]
DD 0.2 μm2/s Diffusion coefficient of Cdc42-GDP from [33]
DGAPI 0.03 μm2/s Diffusion coefficient of GAPI, estimated
DGAPIIfast 0.0625 μm2/s Diffusion coefficient of fast GAPII, estimated
DGAPIIslow 0.005 μm2/s Diffusion coefficient of slow GAPII, estimated
k1n 0.000625/s Spontaneous rate Cdc42-GTP hydrolysis, adjusted
k2n 0.00325 μm2/s Rate constant of GAPI-mediated Cdc42-GTP hydrolysis, adjusted
k3n 0.00125 μm2/s Rate constant of fast GAPII-mediated Cdc42-GTP hydrolysis, adjusted
k4n 250/s Rate constant of Cdc42-GTP-mediated GAPI recruitment, adjusted
k5n 0.03/s Rate constant of Cdc42-GTP-mediated GAPII recruitment, adjusted
k6n 2/s Rate of fast GAPII conversion to slow form, adjusted
k7n 0.025 μm2/s Cdc42-GTP-mediated conversion of slow to fast GAPII, adjusted
k8n 0.0005 μm2/s Rate constant of slow GAPII-mediated Cdc42-GTP hydrolysis, adjusted
ksat 600/μm2 Saturating concentration of GAPI negative feedback, adjusted
k0p 0.0025 μm2/s Rate constant of GEF-mediated Cdc42-GDP activations, adjusted
k1p 0.5 μm3 Linear rate constant of GEF recruitment to Cdc42-GTP, adjusted
k2p 0.1 μm5 Quadratic rate constant of GEF recruitment to Cdc42-GTP, adjusted
Ectot 250 Total pool of GEFs, estimated
jDp 2.4/s/μm2 Flux of Cdc42-GDP from cytoplasm to membrane, estimated
rT 0.005/s Rate of Cdc42-GTP dissociation from membrane from [33]
rD 0.03/s Rate of Cdc42-GDP dissociation from membrane from [33]
rGAPI 0.01/s Rate of GAPI dissociation from membrane, adjusted
rGAPIIfast 0.0125/s Rate of fast GAPII dissociation from membrane, adjusted
rGAPIIslow 0.0025/s Rate of slow GAPII dissociation from membrane, adjusted
rnoise 0.0021/s Rate of random Cdc42-GDP conversion to Cdc42-GTP, adjusted
λ 2.5 μm GEF activation scale at cell tips, estimated
L 8 μm Cell length