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. 2020 Aug 10;9(8):2592. doi: 10.3390/jcm9082592

Table 1.

Human studies on effects of physical activity on peptides and cognition: insulin growth factor 1 (IGF-1).

Reference and Study Design Subjects Target Area Type of PA (Neuro) Peptide Main Results
RCT [29] 33 M and F
Sedentary with mild cognitive impairment.
55–85 years old (mean age: 70 years)
Executive function and short-term memory Acute aerobic exercise IGF-1 For women, aerobic exercise improved cognitive performance. For men, aerobic exercise increased plasma IGF-1 levels and improved performance on trails B test.
RCT [30] 62 M
65–75 years old
Executive function, short-term memory, attention and long-term episodic memory Acute, moderate- and high-intensity resistance exercise IGF-1 Moderate and high-intensity resistance training have equally beneficial effects on cognition. IGF-1 levels were higher in subjects compared to controls.
RCT [31] 37 F
65+ years old
Selective attention, cognitive flexibility, and processing speed Acute aerobic exercise IGF-1 Taekwondo training may improve physical fitness and cognitive functioning in elderly females. IGF-1, VEGF and BDNF may mediate the latter effect.
Longitudinal study [32] 303 M and F
Followed from age 13 to 42 years old
Executive functioning and visual-spatial memory Physical activity and fitness were assessed annually between ages 13 to 16. At mean age 36, physical activity and fitness were assessed. IGF-1 For males, there is a significant association between physical activity in adolescence and cognitive capabilities in adulthood. Such association was not found for females. IGF-1 was not found to have an intermediate role for either sex.
Controlled trial [33] 23 M and F
18–30 years old
Short- and mid-term memory Regular resistance exercise IGF-1 10 Week strength training period did not influence serum BDNF, IGF-1 or IGFBP-3 levels. There was no difference in short-term memory between experimental and control group. Mid-term memory was not improved after 10-week training program.
Between-group design [34] 91 M and F
Healthy, both sedentary and physically active
14–18 years old
Selective attention, cognitive flexibility, processing speed, spatial memory, spatial memory and primary visual cortex function Regular aerobic exercise IGF-1 Regular aerobic exercise improves cognitive function in teens and these beneficial effects are associated with serum levels of BDNF and VEGF. No such association was found for IGF-1.
Cross-sectional study [35] 22 M and F
65–85 years old (median age: 77 years)
Temporo-spatial orientation, memory, attention, calculation capacity, language, and pragmatic praxia Questionnaire about physical activity and performance IGF-1 No association between physical activity and GH or IGF-1 levels were demonstrated. There is a direct relationship between cognitive function and IGF-1 plasma levels in aged subjects with cognitive impairment.
RCT [36] 60 M
Exercise status was not mentioned
20–29 years old
Executive function, inhibitory control and attention Acute resistance exercise IGF-1 The beneficial effects of resistance exercise on cognitive function might be explained by changes in arousal state. The change could possibly be modulated by serum cortisol levels.
Cross-sectional study [37] 114 M and F
Physically active 60+ years Old (mean age: 66 years)
Executive function, visuo- construction, concentration/attention, language, and memory Regular aerobic exercise IGF-1 Extensive aerobic training might be beneficial in maintaining cognitive function in older age. BDNF and IGF-1 was not found to be associated with duration of daily exercise and no differences in the basal levels of BDNF and IGF-1 between exercise and control group was found.

M, males; F, females; RCT, randomized controlled trial; PA, physical activity.