Figure 1.
Purified marine actinomycetes-derived secondary metabolites. (A) Source of compounds. Sharkquinone (1), and resistomycin (2) were purified from Streptomyces sp. EGY1 and EGY34 isolated from marine sediment of the Red Sea, Egypt. Undecylprodigiosin (3) and butylcycloheptylprodigiosin (4) were purified from the actinomycetes strain RA2 which was isolated from a marine sponge Spheciospongia mastoidea collected in Ras Mohammed, South of Sinai, Egypt. The marine compounds elloxazinone A (5), elloxazinone B (6), carboxyexfoliazone (7), and exfoliazone (8) were purified from the actinomycetes strain EGY25, isolated from a sea sand sample obtained from Marsa Matruh city, Mediterranean Sea, Egypt. (B) Chemical structures of the corresponding purified marine-derived compounds.