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. 2020 Aug 12;25(16):3682. doi: 10.3390/molecules25163682

Table 3.

Improving GSs/ GSHPs and bioactivity in plant.

Treatment/factor Plant GSs Biological Activity Reference
Sodium chloride Radish sprouts
Broccoli sprouts
Total GSs, Glucoraphasatin
Antioxidant activity
Salinity and carbon dioxide B oleracea Indolic GSs, aliphatic GSs respectively - [163]
Sulphur salt supplementation B. oleracea Var. capitata, R. sativus Total GSs, progoitrin, glucoerucin, glucobrassicin, glucohirsutin and 4- methoxybrassicin Antioxidant, anti- proliferative [68]
MeJA B. napus, B.oleracea gluconasturtiin, glucobrassicin, neoglucobrassicin, glucoraphanin Quinone reductase [164]
Broccoli florets glucobrassicin, neoglucobrassicin, gluconasturtiin Quinone reductase [169]
B. rapa ssp. Chinensis
B. rapa L.
B. napus var. pabularia
B. oleracea
1-methoxy-3-indolylmethyl GSs
Indole GSs
Total GSs, sulforaphane
glucobrassicin, neoglucobrassicin, gluconasturtiin
MeJA, high temperature, water stress Broccoli cultivars Total GSs Quinone reductase [168]
GA3 with glucose B. oleracea Indolic GSs Antioxidant [70]
JA B. oleracea var. italica Glucoraphanin Not evaluated [165]
Selenium Broccoli sprouts
R. sativus
Not evaluated [34]
Nitrogen nutrition (Ammonium) A. thaliana and B. oleraceaVar. italica GSs Not evaluated [174]
Ozone Brassica oleracea var. capitata f. alba Sinigrin Antioxidant [180]
6-benzylaminopurine B. oleracea Total GSs and sulforaphane Antioxidant [175,176]
Green LED light B. oleracea Total GSs [177]
Larval infestation
Delia radicum root herbivory
D. radicum and Delia floralis
B. napus var. pabularia
B. rapa L.
B. rapa varieties
Indole GSs
Benzyl and indole GSs in roots
Aliphatic, indole and benzyl GSs in roots of high GSs varieties
BoTGG1 Gene A. thaliana GSs Bacterial pathogens attack [172]