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. 2020 Aug 8;10(8):531. doi: 10.3390/brainsci10080531

Table 3.

Partial parameters, paradigm and results of tES effects in syllables classification and right ear advantage.

Reference Sample Size Stimulation Types Stimulation Position and Electrode Size Reference Electrode Position and Size Stimulation Parameters The Number of Stimulation Sessions EEG Recording Time Auditory Paradigm CV Syllables Results
Heimrath et al., 2016 [84] 13 tDCS: anodal/cathodal/sham Simultaneous T7 and T8, 25 cm2 Cz
50 cm2
1.5 mA for 22 min. Three stimulation sessions Record EEG during CV-task II. Unspecified time. Phoneme categorization task (CV-task I, II) I: /da/ or /ta/
II: /ba/, /da/, /ga/ or /pa/, /ta/, /ka/
Cathodal tDCS improved the speech classification ability of CV-syllables in a VOT continuum
After the anodal tDCS, the amplitude of the P50 component of all syllables increased
Rufener et al., 2016a [87] Group 1: n = 21
Group 2: n = 17
Group 1: 6 Hz-tACS/40 Hz-tACS
Group 2: no stimulation
Simultaneous T7 and T8, 35 cm2 Unspecified 1.0 mA for 18 min Two stimulation sessions Unspecified Phoneme categorization task (CV-task). /da/ or /ta/ Application of 40 Hz-tACS selectively reduced the repetition-induced improvement of phoneme categorization abilities
Rufener et al., 2016b [89] Young subjects: n = 25 Older subjects: n = 20 6 Hz-tACS/40 Hz-tACS Simultaneous T7 and T8, 35 cm2 Unspecified 1.0 mA for 8 min Two stimulation sessions Unspecified Phoneme categorization task (CV-task). /da/ or /ta/ 40-Hz tACS on the bilateral auditory cortex, it was diminished task accuracy in young adults, older adults improved the accuracy of phonetic categorization
Jan et al., 2019 [94] 26 40 Hz-HD-tACS/sham Bilateral AC eight Ag/AgCl electrodes 12 mm diameter Unspecified 1.0 mA for 20 min Two stimulation sessions 5 min before and after stimulation; Phoneme categorization task (CV-task) Distinguish between /ba/, /da/, /ga/, /pa/, /ta/, /ka/ The 180° tACS during DL at group level did not affect the right ear advantage
The phase asymme-tries inherent in the sham-tACS process determined the directionality of behavioral modulations
Prete et al., 2018 [97] Group 1: n = 50
Group 2: n = 24
Group 1: bilateral HF-tRNS and sham
Group 2: unilateral HF-tRNS and sham
Group 1: Simultaneous
T3 and T4. 5 × 9.5 cm2 and 5 × 5 cm2
Group 2: T3, T4. 5 × 5 cm2
Group 1: unspecified Group 2: contralateral shoulder 5 × 9.5 cm2 1.5 mA for 20 min Two stimulation sessions Unspecified Dichotic pairs of CV syllables Pairs /ba/, /da/, /ga/, /pa/, /ta/, /ka/ The right ear advantage during sham-stimulation and HF-tRNS
The HF-tRNS of the bilateral AC was significantly enhanced the right ear advantage effect compared with the sham stimulation