Figure 5.
Calcium (a), iron (b), potassium (c), magnesium (d), manganese (e), phosphorus (f), sulfur (g), and zinc (h) in seeds of pea SGE (unfilled columns), SGECdt (filled columns), and B. juncea (gray columns) grown in uncontaminated or Cd-supplemented soil. Treatments: -Cd-M—uncontaminated soil with uninoculated plants, -Cd+M—uncontaminated soil with inoculated plants, +Cd-M—Cd-supplemented soil with uninoculated plants, +Cd+M—Cd-supplemented soil with inoculated plants. Plants were inoculated with a microbial consortium consisting of Variovorax paradoxus 5C-2, Rhizobium leguminosarum bv. viciae RCAM1066, and Glomus sp. 1Fo. Vertical bars show standard errors. Different letters show significant differences between treatments (least significant difference test, p < 0.05, n = 5). DW stands for dry weight. Plants were analyzed on the 83rd day after planting.