Ca2+ binding to TgCEN1-C and TgCEN2-C. (A,B) Representative Ca2+ titration of apo-TgCEN1-C (A) and apo-TgCEN2-C (B) as monitored by ITC. Representative raw heat-power changes (upper panels) and integrated binding isotherms (bottom panels). A first injection of 0.5 μL was made and then the first data point was removed from data fitting. Curve fitting was performed by considering the two binding sites model for TgCEN1-C and the one site model for TgCEN2-C. The protein concentration was 70 μM and 100 μM, for apo-TgCEN1-C and apo-TgCEN2-C, respectively. (C) The downfield region of the 1H-15N HSQC NMR spectra of TgCEN1-C recorded as a function of increasing Ca2+ concentration. The molar ratio of Ca2+:protein in each case was 0.9, 1.5, 4, and 10 (from left to right).