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. 2020 Aug 5;9(8):2526. doi: 10.3390/jcm9082526

Table 1.

Description of the population included in the main studies with augmentation therapy.

Study N Age FEV1 Mutations
Eligibility Criteria Cohort Results * Eligibility Criteria Cohort Result * Eligibility Criteria Cohort Result
Observational studies with control
Seersholm N, et al.; WALT. Eur Respir J, 1997 [18] 295 NR 46 (8) FEV1 < 65% or decline > 120 mL/year 37 (14)% Severe AATD (NR) NR
NHLBI Registry. AJRCCM, 1998 [21] 927 ≥18 years 46 (11) NR <35%: 43.6%
35–49%: 21.1%
50–79%: 16.2%
≥80%: 19.1%
AAT ≤ 11 µM or ZZ NR
Wencker M, et al.; WALT. Eur Respir J, 1998 [19] 443 >18 years 45 (7) FEV1 < 65% or decline > 120 mL/year Ex-smokers: 35.5 (14.8)%
Non-smokers: 42.2 (18.2)%
AAT < 50 mg/dL (nephelometry)
AAT < 80 mg/dL (immunodiffusion)
ZZ: 88.9%
SZ: 7.1%
Other/unknown: 4.0%
Wencker M, et al.; WALT. Chest, 2001 [20] 96 NR 44 (8) FEV1 < 65% or decline > 120 mL/year 41 (17.3)% AAT < 35% ZZ: 85%
SZ: 8%
Other: 3%
Stoller JK, et al.; NHLBI. Chest, 2003 [22] 747 NR 48 (9) NR 37 (18)% AAT ≤ 11 µM or ZZ or null NR
Tonelli AR, et al. Int J COPD, 2009 [23] 164 NR 61.3 (0.7) NR 43 (2)% ZZ ZZ
Barros-Tizón JC, et al. Ther Adv Respir Dis, 2012 [24] 127 >18 years 51.7 (9.1) NR 1.25 (0.50) L AAT ≤ 11 µM (50 mg/dL) and ZZ. rare or null ZZ: 93.6%
SZ: 0.8%
Other: 5.6%
Clinical trials
Dirksen A, et al.; Danish–Dutch study. AJRCCM, 1999 [3] 56 NR Danish: 50.4 (1.62)
Dutch 45.1 (1.17)
Danish: 1.5 (0.9) L
Dutch: 1.6 (0.1) L
Dirksen A, et al.; EXACTLE. Eur Respir J, 2009 [2] 77 ≥18 years 54.7 (8.4) NR 46.3 (19.6)% AAT ≤ 11 µM ZZ or Zn
Chapman KR, et al.; RAPID. Lancet, 2015 [4] 180 18–65 53.8 (6.9) FEV1
47.4 (12.1)% AAT ≤ 11 µM ZZ: 93%
Other: 7%

* Numerical data expressed as mean (standard deviation). FEV1: forced expiratory volume in 1 s (expressed as absolute values in liters or as percentage of the theoretical value the patient should have according to its age, gender, height, weight, and race). NR, not reported; AAT, alpha1 antitrypsin ; AATD, Alpha1 antitrypsin deficiency; NHLBI, National Health Lung Blood Institute; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; WALT, from the German abbreviation: Wissenschaftliche Arbeitsgemeinschaft zur Therapie von Lungenerkrankungen; AJRCCM, American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine