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. 2020 Aug 15;12(8):1830. doi: 10.3390/polym12081830

Table 3.

Details regarding various outputs from the in-house method in the case of chitosan (as an example).

Sl. No. Kinetic Model Equation Ea (kJ·mol−1) A (s−1) R2
1 P1 Power Law α 1/n * - - -
2 E1 Exponential law ln(α) * - - -
3 A2 Avrami–Erofeev Model [−ln(1 − α)]1/2 43.0 1.029 × 103 0.9933
4 A3 Avrami–Erofeev Model [−ln(1 − α)]1/3 26.0 1.880 × 101 0.9931
5 A4 Avrami–Erofeev Model [−ln(1 − α)]1/4 18.0 2.631 × 100 0.9930
6 B1 Prout–Tompkins [−ln(α/(1 − α))] + C * - - -
7 R1 Contracting area 1 − (1 − α)1/2 86.0 1.682 × 107 0.9944
8 R3 Contracting volume 1 − (1 − α)1/3 89.0 6.174 × 106 0.9942
9 D1 One dimensional α 2 164 8.417 × 1013 0.9952
10 D2 Two dimensional (1 − α)ln(1 − α) + α 175 9.164 × 1014 0.9744
11 D3 Three dimensional [1 − (1 − α)1/3]2 187 1.235 × 1016 0.9765
12 D4 Ginstling–Brounshtein (1 − 2α/3) − (1 − α)2/3 179 2.181 × 1015 0.9751
13 F1 First order −ln(1 − α) 95.0 2.330 × 107 0.9880
14 F2 Second order 1/(1 − α) 32.0 1.487 × 101 0.9050
15 F3 Third order 1/(1 − α)2 72.0 1.400 × 105 0.7580

* No values for Ea were given by the software, and the software yielded a zero value as the fitting factor.