Figure 2.
Serum levels of soluble adhesion molecules and measurement of PMN–endothelium interactions. Differences in adhesion molecules between control and T2D groups (A,C,E) or between control, well-controlled diabetics (HbA1c ≤ 6.5%), and poorly controlled diabetics (HbA1c > 6.5%) (B,D,F) are shown. The number of rolling cells (G,H), their velocity (I,J), and the adhesion of these cells to the endothelial monolayer (K,L) were analyzed. Differences between control and T2D groups (G,I,K) or between control, well-controlled diabetics (HbA1c ≤ 6.5%), and poorly controlled diabetic groups (HbA1c > 6.5%) (H,J,L) are shown. Statistical analysis was performed by means of a t-test to compare two groups, and using ANOVA with Bonferroni post-test for three groups. * p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01; *** p < 0.001 vs. control.