Table 4.
Estimates of inbreeding depression for all significant traits, expressed as the difference (Diff) in predicted phenotype between lowly inbred (5% percentile) and highly inbred (95% percentile) from the mean for FPED, FROH and FGRM
Traitsa | FPEDb | FROHb | FGRMb | ||||||
Low | High | Diff | Low | High | Diff | Low | High | Diff | |
MY (kg) | 9031.89 | 8887.20 | 144.69 | 9152.62 | 8809.77 | 342.85 | 9233.88 | 8798.11 | 435.77 |
FY (kg) | 357.35 | 354.09 | 3.26 | 359.29 | 354.25 | 5.04 | 362.09 | 355.00 | 7.10 |
PY (kg) | 294.74 | 292.17 | 2.57 | 296.79 | 289.71 | 7.08 | 299.54 | 289.33 | 10.21 |
AFS (day) | 450.51 | 456.91 | −6.40 | 451.04 | 457.75 | −6.71 | 451.13 | 456.52 | −5.39 |
NSc | 37.03 | 39.48 | −2.45 | 35.34 | 40.21 | −4.87 | 35.75 | 40.58 | −4.83 |
NRRd | 70.27 | 69.55 | 0.72 | 70.61 | 68.05 | 2.56 | 70.49 | 67.68 | 2.81 |
FSTC (day) | 19.47 | 22.30 | −2.83 | 18.22 | 22.34 | −4.12 | 18.43 | 22.30 | −3.87 |
NSc (%) | 52.43 | 55.99 | −3.56 | 53.67 | 54.71 | −1.04 | 53.30 | 55.12 | −1.82 |
NRRd (%) | 54.50 | 52.58 | 1.92 | 54.60 | 53.46 | 1.14 | 54.43 | 53.36 | 1.07 |
aMY milk yield, FY fat yield, PY protein yield, AFS_H age at first service for heifers, NS_H number of service for heifers, NRR_H 56-day non-return rate for heifers, FSTC_H first service to conception for heifers, CTFS_C conception to first service for cows, NS_C number of service for cows, NRR_C 56-day non-return rate for cows, FSTC_C first service to conception for cows
bFPED = pedigree inbreeding; FROH = segment-based genomic inbreeding; FGRM = marker-by-marker-based genomic inbreeding
cIncidence of more than one service after first
dIncidence of no subsequent service between 15 and 56 days following the first service