Figure 4.
Reliabilities of Probes Included in Established, Publicly Available DNA Methylation Algorithms (“Clocks”)
Distributions are depicted as box-and-whisker plots of the reliability coefficients of the probe constituents of the Hannum et al.36 aging clock (63 probes), Horvath37 DNAmAge clock (334 probes), and Levine et al.38 biological aging clock (512 probes). Boxes correspond to IQR and whiskers extend to 1.5 × IQR. Observations beyond the whiskers (outliers) are represented by individual points. As a reference, the distribution (pink bars) and median (vertical dashed line) of all ∼440,000 probe reliabilities in the E-Risk dataset is shown above the box-and-whisker plots. The aging clocks are enriched for reliable probes (values to the right of the figure; NES, normalized enrichment score; N, number of probes). Median reliabilities of probes included in aging clocks are higher than those of the general distribution; however, each algorithm contained many unreliable probes.