Superimposition of Markov state models
(MSMs)130,131 of (A) unliganded triosephosphate isomerase
(TIM) and (B) TIM in
complex with substrate dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP), onto the
corresponding free energy surfaces (T = 300 K) obtained
from performing principal component analysis (PCA) on conventional
MD simulations of each system. The free energy surfaces are defined
in terms of the first two principal components, PC1 and PC2. The area
of the nodes representing each of the metastable states in panels
(A) and (B), and the thickness of the arrows connecting them, correspond
to the populations of each node and the transition probabilities between
them, respectively (note that areas and thicknesses do not scale linearly
with transition probabilities). Shown here also are (C) overlays of
representative structures from each of the metastable states sampled
in these simulations, with the crystallographic “open”
and “closed” conformations of the loop shown in red
and blue, respectively, and the loop conformation at each state shown
in yellow. Note that the metastable state 2 is virtually identical
for simulations of both the liganded and unliganded forms of the enzyme.
For details, see ref (129). Reprinted with permission from ref (129). Copyright 2018 American Chemical Society.