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. 2020 Sep 2;10:14419. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-71437-5

Table 1.

Baseline patient characteristics.

Variable Total cohort (n = 182) PTS (n = 48) Non-PTS (n = 134) p-value
Age, years 45 (33–55) 49 (41–58) 43 (30–52) 0.022
Male n, (%) 102 (56) 26 (54.2) 76 (56.7) 0.577
BMI, kg/m2 26.5 (24.8–29.2) 27.3 (25.1–30.1) 26.2 (24.5–28.5) 0.029
Blood type, n (%)
A 70 (38.5) 13 (27.1) 57 (42.5) 0.883
B 32 (17.6) 13 (27.1) 19 (14.2) 0.598
0 66 (36.3) 13 (27.1) 53 (39.6) 0.116
AB 14 (7.7) 9 (18.8) 5 (3.7) 0.105
Clinical characteristics, n (%)
Smoking 73 (40.1) 14 (29.2) 59 (44) 0.277
Trauma/surgery 37 (20.3) 3 (6.3) 34 (25.4) 0.199
Unprovoked VTE 92 (50.6) 36 (75) 56 (41.8) 0.020
DVT with PE 55 (30.2) 11 (22.9) 44 (32.8) 0.422
Family history of VTE 27 (14.8) 8 (16.7) 19 (14.2) 0.883
Proximal DVT 137 (75.3) 44 (91.7) 93 (69.4) 0.132
Baseline laboratory parameters
INR 0.99 (0.91–1.05) 1.0 (0.96–1.1) 0.98 (0.89–1.1) 0.577
D-dimer, ng/mL 211 (156–270) 273 (191–296) 216 (146–254) 0.309
Fibrinogen, g/L 3.00 (2.51–3.93) 2.98 (2.56–4.08) 3.02 (2.45–3.87) 0.917
Creatinine, µmol/L 71.4 ± 14.1 73.5 ± 16.2 70.6 ± 13.2 0.577
Glucose, mmol/L 4.9 (4.5–5.3) 5.2 (4.8–5.6) 4.8 (4.5–5.1) 0.006
TC, mmol/L 5.08 ± 1.04 5.05 ± 0.93 5.10 ± 1.08 0.917
TG, mmol/L 1.31 ± 0.65 1.40 ± 0.65 1.29 ± 0.66 0.212
CRP, mg/L 1.73 (1.02–2.43) 2.17 (1.58–3.89) 1.44 (0.98–2.31) 0.076
IL-6, pg/mL 3.56 (2.76–4.04) 3.73 (3.03–4.00) 3.47 (2.67–4.06) 0.240
IL-10, pg/mL 6.45 (5.60–7.60) 6.50 (5.85–7.95) 6.40 (5.50–7.60) 0.418
HRG, µg/mL 68 (58–75) 76.5 (67.5–82) 64.5 (57–70)  < 0.001
Factor VIII, % 123 (102–142) 120 (103–139) 124 (101–143) 0.883
tPA Ag, ng/mL 9.2 (6.71–11.25) 7.62 (6.35–10.73) 9.60 (6.80–11.43) 0.577
PAI-1 Ag, ng/mL 12.28 (8.73–18.60) 10.89 (8.46–17.15) 12.90 (8.74–19.40) 0.426
TAFI activity, µg/mL 25.71 ± 7.06 32.01 ± 6.23 23.46 ± 5.88  < 0.001
Plasminogen, % 108.8 ± 15.2 106.6 ± 12.7 109.6 ± 15.9 0.445
α-antiplasmin, % 105 (96–116) 101 (92–113) 107 (98–117) 0.243
Peak thrombin, nM 231 (199–300) 219 (193–291) 235 (200–304) 0.577
Fibrin clot formation and features
Plasma clot permeability, 10−9cm2 7.4 (6.5–8.4) 6.6 (6.0–7.6) 7.8 (6.9–8.8) 0.001
Clot lysis time, min 88 (73–101) 100 (88–109) 82 (70–97)  < 0.001
Lag time, sec 40 (37–45) 38 (35–41) 42 (38–47) 0.011
Maximum absorbance 0.81 (0.75–0.87) 0.85 (0.81–0.89) 0.80 (0.74–0.86) 0.006
Maximum levels of D‐dimer released from clots, mg/L 3.93 (3.59–4.35) 3.73 (3.60–4.30) 4.08 (3.57–4.39) 0.883
Maximum rate of increase in D-dimer levels released from clots, mg/L/min 0.071 (0.067–0.078) 0.0069 (0.063–0.073) 0.072 (0.068–0.079) 0.207
Genetic polymorphisms, n (%)
Factor V Leiden 23 (12.6) 5 (10.4) 18 (13.4) 0.561
Prothrombin 20210A 7 (3.9) 0 (0) 7 (5.2) 0.557
Factor XIII Val34Leu 83 (45.6) 25 (52.1) 58 (43.3) 0.418
α-fibrinogen Thr312Ala 83 (45.6) 22 (45.8) 61 (45.5) 0.616

PTS post-thrombotic syndrome; VTE venous thromboembolism; DVT deep vein thrombosis; PE pulmonary embolism; IL interleukin; INR international normalized ratio; TC total cholesterol; TG total triglycerides; CRP C-reactive protein; HRG histidine-rich glycoprotein; tPA tissue plasminogen activator; PAI-1 plasminogen activator inhibitor-1; TAFI thrombin activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor.