Table 4.
The results of multi-trait meta-analysis within four populations
SNP name | SSC | Location (bp) | p(meta- LM)–value1) | p(meta- FJ)–value2) | p(meta- XD)–value3) | p(meta- ZX)–value4) | Associated gene5) | Distance6) (bp) | Gene function |
ALGA0012964 | 2 | 32,799,355 | 1.04E-06 | 2.68E-06 | 1.08E-05 | 2.65E-08 | LIN7C | In | Morphogenesis of an epithelial sheet |
ALGA0054421 | 9 | 104,625,702 | 1.24E-07 | 6.30E-08 | 4.47E-08 | 1.14E-05 | LHFPL3 | In | Self reported educational attainment |
ASGA0037579 | 8 | 5,703,865 | 3.01E-06 | 3.75E-08 | 1.53E-06 | 1.37E-07 | MSX1 | Down | In utero embryonic development |
DRGA0000439 | 1 | 30,456,989 | 3.74E-07 | 3.93E-07 | 3.74E-07 | 6.60E-08 | EYA4 | In | Protein dephosphorylation |
H3GA0021245 | 7 | 38,823,945 | 1.37E-07 | 7.92E-06 | 3.82E-07 | 6.41E-09 | VEGFA | Down | Regulation of signaling receptor activity |
H3GA0042513 | 14 | 126,349,106 | 2.31E-07 | 2.35E-06 | 4.84E-07 | 1.07E-05 | GFRA1 | In | Nervous system development |
MARC0081527 | 6 | 80,617,330 | 3.34E-08 | 1.45E-07 | 7.55E-09 | 7.35E-06 | C1QB | Down | Complement activation, classical pathway |
WU_10.2_14_389214 | 14 | 217,583 | 4.59E-06 | 3.02E-08 | 1.06E-05 | 1.64E-06 | SPIN1 | Up | Wnt signaling pathway |
WU_10.2_2_12776809 | 2 | 13,143,791 | 1.57E-08 | 2.52E-06 | 1.99E-06 | 3.78E-06 | CTNND1 | Up | Negative regulation of canonical Wnt signaling pathway |
WU_10.2_6_85867859 | 6 | 92,797,244 | 5.78E-07 | 2.26E-06 | 4.41E-06 | 1.53E-06 | GRIK3 | Up | Glutamate receptor signaling pathway |
WU_10.2_7_130172562 | 7 | 537,474 | 1.96E-07 | 4.10E-06 | 1.88E-06 | 4.09E-09 | FOXQ1 | Up | Cell differentiation |
SNP, single nucleotide polymorphism; LIN7C, lin-7 homolog C; LHFPL3, LHFPL tetraspan submily member 3; MSX1, msh homeobox 1; EYA4, EYA transcriptional coactivator and phosphatase 4; VEGFA, vascular endothelial growth factor A; GFRA1, GDNF family receptor alpha 1; C1QB, complement C1q B chain; SPIN1, spindlin 1; CTNND1, catenin delta 1; GRIK3, glutamate ionotropic receptor kainate type subunit 3; FOXQ1, forkhead box Q1.
p(meta-XX)–value = p-value from the multi-traits meta analysis for four populations LM, FJ, XD, and ZX. The bold data in this column represent the significant SNP at genome-wide significant level; otherwise at the chromosome-wide significant level.
The associated gene in bold in this column represent these genes were associated with traits based on annotation.
down/up = the location of SNP in downstream/upstream of the nearest gene.