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. 2020 Mar 24;20(3):807–818. doi: 10.1111/1755-0998.13150


Summary statistics of loci assembled per sample for both exons‐only and exons + supercontigs data sets

Species Number of loci (#/%) Locus length range (bp) (exons‐only/supercontigs + exons) Mean locus length (±SD bp) (exons‐only/supercontigs + exons)
Robust corals
Cyphastrea serailia a 386/85.40 93–1,923/156–4,356 443 ± 223/847 ± 597
Diploastrea heliopora 401/88.71 87–1,920/117–4,414 444 ± 228/802 ± 555
Dipsastraea maxima a 381/84.29 93–1,611/126–4,694 432 ± 194/853 ± 594
Goniastrea retiformis 393/86.95 93–1,395/99–4,479 439 ± 199/860 ± 608
Herpolitha limax a 349/77.21 93–1,209/126–3,690 425 ± 194/834 ± 560
Lobophyllia radians 389/86.06 93–1,572/117–3,619 435 ± 203/794 ± 520
Oulastrea crispata a 323/71.46 81–1,878/135–4,247 425 ± 236/798 ± 569
Platygyra sinensis a 383/84.73 90–1,674/192–3,950 443 ± 215/834 ± 583
Plesiastrea versipora a 354/78.32 93–1,383/147–5,192 437 ± 209/823 ± 564
Pocillopora acuta 258/57.08 123–1,587/153–3,531 473 ± 234/833 ± 523
Complex corals
Acropora aspera 263/58.19 111–1,938/144–5,286 490 ± 238/1,005 ± 714
Astreopora expansa a 219/48.45 72–1,413/189–2,818 424 ± 209/774 ± 507
Fimbriaphyllia ancora a 343/75.88 90–2,895/105–6,837 513 ± 322/998 ± 765
Galaxea astreata a 343/75.88 99–2,697/105–8,843 521 ± 310/1,053 ± 871
Goniopora lobata 277/61.28 54–1,521/114–5,123 430 ± 214/693 ± 498
Pachyseris speciosa a 325/71.90 66–2,889/147–4,947 475 ± 288/899 ± 659
Porites lobata a 311/68.81 54–2,208/63–6,595 461 ± 259/875 ± 676
Turbinaria mesenterina 329/72.79 96–3,798/111–5,537 463 ± 312/934 ± 693
Rhodactis inchoata 43/9.51 183–717/183–1,773 375 ± 144/541 ± 352
Rhodactis indosinensis a 47/10.40 138–759/138–1,291 356 ± 123/448 ± 226

Percentage of loci is based on total number of loci (n = 452). A supercontig includes both exon and intron regions in a sequence.


Samples used in identity checks with COI and histone H3 barcodes.