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. 2020 Aug 8;12(8):2375. doi: 10.3390/nu12082375

Table 5.

Mean HEI-2010 scores for NSLP lunches, expressed as a percentage of the maximum possible scores, by school poverty level.

Low Poverty
(n = 226)
Mid-Low Poverty
(n = 376)
Mid-High Poverty
(n = 330)
High Poverty
(n = 275)
p-Value *
Adequacy Components (Higher Scores Reflect Higher Concentrations in NSLP Lunches)
Total fruit 100 (100, 100) 100 (100, 100) 100 (99.0, 100) 100 (98.9, 100) 0.37
Whole fruit 100 (100, 100) 100 (100, 100) 100 (100, 100) 100 (100, 100) 0.98
Total vegetables 79.2 1.8 81.7 1.5 84.1 1.5 83.8 1.9 0.17
Greens and beans 65.8 2.9 72.8 2.0 74.0 2.5 74.6 2.7 0.11
Whole grains 100 (100, 100) 100 (100, 100) 100 (100, 100) 100 (100, 100) 0.19
Dairy 100 0.0 100 0.0 100 0.0 100 0.0 n.a.
Total protein foods 81.4 1.8 90.9 a 0.8 91.0 a 0.9 90.2 a 1.1 <0.01
Seafood and plant proteins 45.9 2.6 49.6 2.1 50.3 2.4 49.5 3.0 0.61
Fatty acids 61.3 2.7 66.9 1.5 62.8 1.8 61.3 2.1 0.06
Moderation Components (Higher Scores Reflect Lower Concentrations in NSLP Lunches)
Refined grains 100 (100, 100) 100 (100, 100) 100 (100, 100) 100 (100, 100) 0.30
Sodium 31.4 2.2 26.8 1.8 26.7 1.7 29.4 1.9 0.31
Empty calories 100 (93.2, 100) 100 (92.5, 100) 100 (92.6, 100) 100 (93.3, 100) 0.98
Total Score 80.8 0.5 81.9 0.5 82.1 0.4 82.0 0.5 0.22

Note: HEI scores are expressed as a percentage of maximum possible scores. Estimates are means and standard errors, or medians and (interquartile ranges) where specified by ; * One-way ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis for non-parametric variables; superscript letters indicate a statistically significant difference (adjusted p < 0.05). a Comparison between this group and low poverty. n.a. = given the lack of variation in the mean scores for dairy across subgroups, statistical testing was not performed. HEI-2010, Healthy Eating Index-2010; NSLP, National School Lunch Program; SE, standard error.