Caucasian or Asian women,
With regular menstrual cycles, assessed as 28 days ± 3 days,
With a normal vaginal flora defined as:
Effective contraception method without any changes for the duration of the study,
No changes in daily routine for the duration of the study (hygiene, dietary habits, tobacco and alcohol consumption, physical activity and sexual life),
Good general and mental health compatible with the study participation,
Tobacco consumption ≤10 cigarettes per day,
Able and willing to participate to the study by complying with the protocol procedures,
Subject affiliated to a health social security system.
Ongoing symptoms of vaginal and/or urinary infection at V0 and V1 visits,
History of vulvo-vaginal pathological conditions,
Currently pregnant, lactating, or intending to be pregnant,
Intolerance to any of the study products,
Suffering from a metabolic disorder or severe chronic disease,
Recent history of radiotherapy,
Menopausal or pre-menopausal,
With menstruation periods usually lasting more than 7 days,
Under chronic treatment with corticosteroids and/or immune modulator or medication or dietary supplement, oral or local, which could affect study parameters,
Unable to communicate with the investigator.