Figure 2.
Electroscutumography (ESG) responses of intact ticks and ticks with appendages (foretarsi, palps, or both) surgically removed (N = 21 for each treatment) that were presented with a series of attractants (100 μg/μL) that elicited responses significantly different from those to hexane (see Table 2). (a) Effects of surgery on tick responses across all compounds. (b) A questing tick, illustrating the foretarsi and palps (photo: Sean McCann). (c–j) Effects of surgery on tick responses to individual compounds. Response amplitude was calculated relative to hexane (control) by dividing the responses of each tick by its mean response to three hexane puffs (at the beginning, middle, and end of each run). Back-transformed marginal means (points) and 95% confidence intervals (error bars) estimated from individual ANOVAs with log (relative response) as the response variable and surgical treatment as a fixed predictor variable are shown for each compound. Different letters indicate significant differences using Tukey’s method for multiple comparisons.