Fig. 1.
Performance of genome binning tools in chicken gut metagenomic datasets and CAMI datasets. F1-score of binning results by genome binning tools in (a) chicken gut metagenomic datasets and in the first CAMI challenge (b) high, (c) medium and (d) low-complexity datasets. (e) Average purity (weighted by bin sizes) and average completeness (genomes reconstructed) by genome binning tools. (f) Average purity (all bins have same weight) and average completeness (genomes reconstructed) by genomes binning tools. (g) ARI (The adjusted rand index) in connection with the segment of common strains (ANI (Average nucleotide identity) ≥ 95%) assigned by genome binning tools. (h) ARI in connection with the segment of common strains (ANI<95%) assigned by genome binning tools