Figure 3.
The number of germ cells decreased in A2CKOgono compared with controls as early as pnd 2.5. (a) Paraffin-embedded testis sections from A2CKOgono and control mice were co-stained with anti-Vasa antibody and anti-Gata4 antibody and germ cell numbers per tubule quantified at pnd 7.5 (126 tubules from 2 mice were counted in A2CKOgono testis, 88 tubules from 2 mice in control); pnd 4.5 (195 tubules from 2 mice in A2CKOgono, 143 tubules from 2 mice in control); pnd 3.5 (224 tubules from 3 mice in A2CKOgono, 107 tubules from 3 mice in control); and pnd 2.5 (108 tubules from 3 mice in A2CKOgono, 97 tubules from 3 mice in control). Bar indicates 50 μm. (b) Quantitative analysis depicting the number of Vasa-positive cells per tubule (y axis) in A2CKOgono and control from pnd 7.5 to pnd 2.5 (x axis). Data represent Mean ± SEM. * P < 0.05; **P < 0.001.