Comparative Time Analysis of Delta Difference of Seizure rCSO2 Readings in Generalized, Left and Right Focal Hemispheric and Abnormal Seizure (Both rCSO2 <60,11–15 Both rCSO2 <8011–15) rcSO2 Readings (Differences Between Seizure Times) and by Their Initial Hemispheric Seizure rcSO2 Readings of Less Than 60% and Greater Than 80% With Same Time Comparisons. Overall: A positive value = increase, negative value = decrease. 1. Generalized seizure event had a rcSO2 change of left −9.8, right −10.7 2. Left focal event had a left rcSO2 change of −17.8. 3. Right focal event had a right rcSO2 change of −20.3