Fig. 3.
Physiological and morphological features of the isolate. (a) Perforating organs on sterile pre-pubescent hair in vitro (arrowhead). (b) Powdery growth with brownish pigment on sterile polished rice grain inoculation (arrowhead). (c) Hydrolysis of Christensen’s urea medium with 10 days of inoculation (arrowhead). (d, e) Lacto phenol cotton blue (LPCB) mount showing a moderate number of teardrop shaped microconidia (arrowheads), measuring 2–3×5–8 µm smooth walled and are borne laterally on the septate hyphae, arranged in solitary and small groups were seen. Numerous spindle-shaped macroconidia (arrowheads), thin-walled and echinulate surface (arrowheads) with 4–6 septa (arrowheads) and measuring 150×15 µm (arrowhead) and a few of them showing blunt tips (arrowhead).