MGMT-expressing variants (i.e., LN229M, U251M, and GL261M) of three well-established GB cell lines were checked along with their parental cells as well as the T98G (an endogenous high MGMT expressor) and LN229TR2 (an MMR-deficient variant of LN229) GB cells for MGMT expression by Western blotting (panel A). Colony survival data are also shown for all three isogenic GB cell lines (panel B). The O6BG MGMT inhibitor (40 μΜ) was used to demonstrate that the artificially expressed MGMT proteins in LN229M, U251M, and GL261M cells were functional and respond to specific inhibition (i.e., the MGMT-positive cells are sensitized to both alkylating agents after the addition of the O6BG inhibitor).