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. 2020 Sep 3;9:204–215. doi: 10.1016/j.cegh.2020.08.017

Table 2.

Rotated component Matrix.

Variables Component
1 2 3 4
PM10 0.840 0.134 0.31 0.14 0.841
NO2 0.782 0.361 0.049 −0.119 0.757
PM2.5 0.766 0.156 0.285 0.227 0.743
SO2 0.748 0.042 −0.083 −0.076 0.575
HHD 0.072 0.881 0.054 −0.037 0.785
PD −0.038 0.807 0.16 −0.069 0.683
HHLI −0.277 −0.727 −0.093 0.049 0.617
HLP 0.268 0.513 −0.16 −0.008 0.361
UPD 0.187 0.378 −0.052 −0.014 0.181
DMC 0 0.351 0.214 −0.155 0.179
WFP 0.243 0.146 0.798 0.044 0.718
RPD 0.237 −0.149 0.762 −0.133 0.677
MC −0.161 0.077 0.723 0.177 0.586
SCST −0.296 −0.113 0.556 0.549 0.711
EP −0.012 −0.046 −0.084 0.862 0.753
PHII −0.036 −0.199 −0.164 0.647 0.487
LITR 0.134 −0.363 0.116 0.522 0.436
SEXR 0.376 0.247 0.216 0.482 0.481
Initial eigenvalue 4.561 2.479 1.997 1.527
Rotated Eigenvalue 3.043 2.941 2.44 2.142
% of Variance 25.344 13.776 11.096 8.484

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.