A representative zoomed, motion-corrected micrograph with individual single particles circled in white. Bar equals 20 nm. Motion-correction and CTF estimation was performed using MotionCor2 and Ctffind4. The number of movies/particles collected for each data set are shown in black (paroxetine), red (Br-paroxetine), and blue (I-paroxetine). After particle picking using either DoG picker or the blob picker in cryoSPARC, particles were sorted using heterogeneous refinement in cryoSPARC followed by 2D classification. For the DoG-picked particles, 3D classes containing SERT-Fab features (boxed) were combined and subjected to 2D classification. For cryoSPARC-picked particles, heterogeneous refinement was also used to initially sort particles in cryoSPARC. Classes with similar features (boxed) were combined, subjected to three independent 2D classifications, and 2D classes containing SERT-Fab features were combined. Particles picked by both methods were combined and duplicate particle-picks were removed in RELION (particle picks that are less than 100 Å of one another were considered duplicates).