Cognitive control cartographies, discovery dataset. A, GVC (as in Fig. 7A) plotted over deviation (as in Fig. 10A), with demarcation lines (dashed and crossed gray lines) indicating the cross-network mean for each dimension (all axes are centered at these marks for ease of viewing). This allowed us to “map out” multidimensional properties at once. For example, networks in the lower right quadrant of A (such as CON) exhibited GVC lower than the mean and deviation higher than the mean. This mapping suggests a nonlinear relationship between GVC and deviation, suggesting that each measure characterized a unique network property. In all panels, control network diamonds (FPN: yellow, CON: plum) are highlighted with dark black outlines and are larger than other network diamonds, with the sole visualization purpose of standing out as cognitive control networks. B, GVC scores (y-axis of panel A) expanded by within-network and between-network values. C, Deviation (x-axis of panel A) scores expanded by within-network and between-network values. The far-right legend depicts the CAB-NP color scheme (as in Fig. 3) used for the diamonds.