Figure 4.
Expression analysis among tissues. (A) The distribution of genes and transcripts among tissues. Blue bar means the gene number uniquely expressed in the corresponding tissue. Pink bar means the number of genes not only expressed in the corresponding tissue but also expressed in at least one other tissue. The aggregate length of blue bar and pink bar is the number of genes expressed in the corresponding tissue. The format of gene information shown in the figure is the same as the one of transcript information. Tissues studied are: Ad, adrenal; Br, brain; He, heart; Ki, kidney; Lu, lung; Li, liver; Mu, skeletal muscle; Sp, spleen; Th, thymus; Te, testis; and Ut, uterus. (B) The distribution of transcripts under all of the 44 conditions. (C) The statistics of transcripts from Ensembl and RTR according to tissues. ‘Common 2’ denotes the transcripts that were identified in at least two tissues. ‘Common all’ denotes the transcripts that were identified in all of the 11 tissues.