The function of TMPO‐AS1 in propofol‐regulated EC cell progression. (a) The expression of TMPO‐AS1 was determined by qRT‐PCR assay in normal cells (Het‐1A) and EC cells (EC109 and KYSE70). (b and c) TMPO‐AS1 expression was measured in EC109 and KYSE70 cells treated with normoxia, hypoxia, hypoxia + DMSO, or hypoxia + propofol, respectively. (d) TMPO‐AS1 expression was examined in EC109 and KYSE70 cells transfected with vector or TMPO‐AS1. , vector ; , TMPO‐AS1. (e–h) Cell migratory and invasive abilities were assessed in hypoxia‐administered EC109 and KYSE70 cells treated with DMSO or propofol and transfected with vector or TMPO‐AS1. (i and j) The levels of EMT markers and HIF‐1α were investigated by western blot assay. *P < 0.05. EC109+Hypoxia: , DMSO; , propofol; , propofol+vector; , propofol+TMPO‐AS1; and Kyse70+Hypoxia: , DMSO; , propofol; , propofol+vector; , propofol+TMPO‐AS1.