Fig. 10.
MiRNA-like subsequence of SARS-CoV-2 protein S gene (from its furin cleavage site) anti-matching sequences from the human type 1 interferon (IFNA7) or interferon regulatory factor (IRF1). In the first case, the sequence is the whole mRNA of IFNA7 and the probability to observe such an anti-match of length 8 by chance in a sequence of 730 nucleotides equals 0.04. In the second case, the sequence of the whole mRNA of IRF1 contains to targets and the probability to observe the last anti-match of length 11 by chance in a sequence of 1032 nucleotides equals 2 10-3. In red, miRNA inhibiting sequences [59], [60]. The probability to observe by chance the micro-RNA hsa miR let-7b-5p anti-match of length 9 in the first 730-length sequence equals 0.02 and the micro-RNA hsa miR 301a-3p anti-match of length 9 in the second 1032-length sequence equals 0.016. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)