PAI resolves interspecies differences in ODCs between mouse, rat, and human. Oxygenated mouse (), rat (), and human () blood samples were deoxygenated in a dynamic flow phantom circuit at room temperature and changes in absorption spectrum, , and PAI signals were recorded. (a) Literature values for ODCs of the respective species under standard conditions.26 (b) was calculated from PAI images using the absorption spectra measured within the flow phantom circuit for spectral unmixing. The resulting values were plotted against the measured of the blood within the circuit at the same time point in order to produce an ODC. (c) Extracted values denoting the at 50% are shown. It should be noted that the ODC influencing factors 2,3-DPG concentration, acid–base balance, and amount of dyshemoglobins were not standardized, but rather reflect the physiological values found in the respective species.